Cecil Rhodes Cecil Rhodes Cecil Rhodes

RMA Cecil John Rhodes

RMA Cecil John Rhodes

In the 1950s BEA started a short run practice of naming its Royal Mail aircraft after prominent historical figures, including Cecil John Rhodes and Dr. Leander Jameson.
Registration / Serial:G-AHKU
Delivery Date:1947-Feb-1
Aircraft Original Type:De Havilland D.H. 89 Dragon Rapide
Aircraft Generic Type:De Havilland D.H. 89 Dragon Rapide (Dominie)
Aircraft Version: De Havilland D.H. 89A Dragon Rapide Mk.6
Construction Number:6810
Number of Seats:9
Number of Engines:2
Operator / Titles:BEA - British European Airways
Aircraft Name:RMA Cecil John Rhodes
Disposal:Inherited from Isle of Man Air Services. Sold to British Westpoint Airlines, 1964-May-2.
Notes: The registration/serial G-AHKU was also use when this craft was with different airlines or in private hands, including...
  • Westpoint Airways
  • Dominie Airways
  • History: 6810 Toc as NR722 at 5 MU 15.11.44. To DH for civil conversion 11.3.46. Sold 24.6.46 to AAJC, Speke. Regd G-AHKU
    (CofR 10142) 23.4.46 to The Secretary, Ministry of Supply for AAJC pool. Cld & regd 14.6.46 to British Overseas
    Airways Corporation - BEA Division and operated by Isle of Man Air Services Ltd. CofA 7672 issued 14.6.46; dd
    24.6.46. Regd 6.5.47 to British European Airways Corporation; based Renfrew wef 7.49; based Dyce wef 3.50; named
    "RMA Cecil John Rhodes" .52; based Jersey .56; based St Just [8.56]. New CofR No.R1773 issued .50. Converted
    to Srs 6 7.60. Cld 2.5.64 & regd 20.5.64 to British Westpoint Airlines Ltd, Exeter; deld ex St Just 1.5.64 or 3.5.64. Cld
    1.7.65 & regd 16.7.65 to Frank Herburt Mann, Torquay but remained operated by British Westpoint Airlines. Company
    ceased trading early .66. Cld 9.6.66 (notified 14.7.66) & regd 26.7.66 to Treffield Aviation Ltd; operated by Dominie
    Airways, Castle Donington. Regd 30.12.66 to Treffield International Airways Ltd; named "Sir Richard Hawkins" (by
    9.67). Cld 24.7.67 and regd 8.11.67 to Mrs Pamela Mary Scholefield, Exeter. Cld 30.5.68 (notified 3.10.68) and regd
    6.1.69 to Kenneth Bryan Neely t/a Scillonia Airways, St Just; named "Bishop" [replacement for G-ALGC]. Company
    ceased trading and assets auctioned 5.70. CofA lapsed 12.8.70. Regn cld 16.5.72 as pwfu. Some parts at Biggin Hill
    .80 as spares for G-AGTM/G-AIDL.
    Addendum: See here for additional info.